House rules

The house rules define the basic regulations essential for communal living. Additionally, they stipulate the requirements for the proper use and maintenance of residential buildings and properties, which are not specified in separate legislation. These rules apply to all areas of the apartment and to all individuals who use the residential building, whether they stay there permanently or temporarily. Residents are obligated to adhere to the rules outlined in the house rules. Failure to comply will result in the offender receiving a written warning first, or in severe cases, immediate expulsion from the apartment. Below, we present the main points of our house rules, which we recommend reviewing before moving in. In case of any requests or problem, please contact the Accommodation Operator first!

Coziness requires cooperation and a little attention to each other

We have designed our apartments to create a friendly environment for our guests, setting us apart from traditional worker accommodations. To maintain this atmosphere, mutual respect, attentiveness, and adherence to the house rules are essential. We expect all our guests to keep their rooms and shared spaces clean and tidy, use them considerately, and leave the apartment in the same condition as when they arrived.

Ádám Zatik
managing director, business owner

The three secrets of communal living

Neatly and tidy

Every resident is responsible for keeping their own environment tidy, so please clean up your own areas regularly and do your best to keep the communal spaces clean as well. Use the designated trash bins and make sure they are emptied regularly.

Pay attention to others!

Guests may not arrive back in their rooms at the same time, or, in the case of a shift change, they may be resting just as everyone else is getting ready for work. Therefore, it is important to avoid loud noise and be considerate of each other.

Take care of belongings!

Do not misappropriate or damage other people’s property. This also applies to shared equipment and items, as well as those belonging to other residents, not just those of Motel Next. Each person is responsible for the safety of their personal belongings!

House rules

Keep it clean!

The rooms and common areas must be left clean and tidy after use. In the kitchen, everyone is required to wash their used dishes and utensils and return everything to its place. Waste is collected separately in our accommodation, so please place PET bottles and glass in the designated bins. Storing junk or furniture temporarily in the hallways is strictly forbidden, as is accumulating garbage anywhere on the premises of the apartment.

Use of common areas

Bringing items from the kitchen into the rooms and taking furniture out of the rooms is FORBIDDEN! Please always put all shared utensils, cutlery etc. back to their original place clean, so others can use them. Anyone who contaminates or damages communal areas or facilities is required to immediately clean up the contamination (including the toilet and shower) and pay for the damage caused, at their own expense.

Pleasant environment, cozy accommodation

All places must be used as intended, especially bathrooms and common areas. The cleanliness of the rooms will be checked monthly by Motel Next colleagues, requiring residents to provide access to their living quarters. In common spaces, regardless of the time of day, residents must refrain from noisy behavior or activities that disturb others’ peace. Consumption of alcohol in these common spaces is strictly FORBIDDEN!

Receiving guests

It is strictly FORBIDDEN to host guests, family members, prostitutes, other business customers, offering them accommodation or allowing them to stay overnight in the rooms. This constitutes a breach of contract and will result in immediate termination and eviction from the apartment. Keeping dogs, cats, or any other pets in the accommodation is also strictly FORBIDDEN!

Security and attention

The Landlord shall not be liable for the loss or damage of items brought, kept or stored in the apartment for the personal use of the Tenant. The Landlord advises the Tenant not to keep large amounts of cash in the rooms. Funds exceeding this amount should be deposited in a bank account. Jewelry, laptops, valuable items, important documents, etc. or payment substitutes should not be stored in the accommodation; they should be kept in another secure place such as in a suitable guarded location or in a bank safe.

Smoking and alcohol

Smoking is only permitted in designated areas on the premises of the workers’ accommodation. Smoking is strictly FORBIDDEN in common areas, hallways, and rooms. The fire detection and fire alarm system in the building are directly connected to the Győr Fire Station. Any costs incurred due to a false fire alarm will be charged to the Tenant by the Landlord. Consumption of alcohol in the common spaces is strictly FORBIDDEN!

Checkout process

Moving out is possible after the consulting with the Operator and filling in and signing the exit form and the room inventory. Rooms and equipments must be cleaned and returned to their original condition. Residents are responsible for the linen in the rooms and are financially liable for the cost of the bedding. The person who caused the damage is responsible for the preservation of objects and appliances (furniture, washing machine, TV, refrigerator, etc.) and for any damages resulting from their misuse.

Having a problem? Contact us, we can help!

If an appliance breaks down or you experience anything unusual, please let us know, and our colleagues will contact you within 24 hours. Repairing and fixing are forbidden, please report the problem to us in any case!