
Since 1970 Ménfőcsanak is a part of Győr, located at the meeting point of the Bakony Mountains and the Little Hungarian Plain, 8 kilometers from the center of Győr.

The main access routes include the M1 motorway, running east-west along the northern edge of the district, and the 83 main road, which runs south-north through Ménfőcsanak. Among the important secondary roads in the area, the 8311 road ends at Ménfőcsanak, which runs from Nyúl through Győrújbarát. At this point, the 83 main road branches off towards Sokorópátka-Gic-Bakonytamási via the 8309 road and provides access to Koroncó via the 8418 road.

From the city centre of Győr you can reach our place by local buses 21B, 22, 22B and 22Y. For more information about the schedule, please visit this link:

Of the domestic railway lines, the district is served by MÁV’s Győr–Celldömölk line number 10, at the Ménfőcsanak-felső stop.

This part of Győr is a quiet, peaceful green area full of family houses, a little further away from the city’s noise, yet everything you need for a daily life can be found here. There are also several medical clinics and shops available (more information: It is an especially convenient location for corporate workers, being close to the industrial park of Győr, and thanks to the M1 and M83 motorways, Komárom, Lébény, and Mosonmagyaróvár are also quickly accessible.

Motel Next workers’ apartment is the perfect choice for companies who want to accommodate their workers in this area! Choose us so your employees can relax in a pleasant environment after work. If you contact us, our colleagues will be at your service within 24 hours.