Data protection

With this data protection statement, Motel Next commits itself to secure and reliable e-commerce, personal data and privacy rights.
The personal and user data provided by you (name, address, phone number etc.) are only used for contracting, billing and consulting purposes as well as for our own advertising activities under the Data Protection Act. The data are not forwarded to third parties.
The data are only forwarded to third parties after your prior definite consent.

1. What personal data is requested and how is it processed?

a, Anonymous data
You can browse our generally accessible websites freely and anonymously. Your anonymous visit is only used for statistical purposes, optimizing internet presence, increasing security, since these recorded data do not contain any personal data. Only the domain name, the IP address, the computer configuration and the type of the browser are recorded. In addition, we automatically record the websites from which you arrived at our homepage, as well as the pages you viewed on our website, the date of the visit and the time you spent browsing them. Your personal identity or user profile cannot be inferred from these data. You, as a private user, stay completely anonymous. Moreover, we do not track your browsing activities.

b, Processed personal data
Your personal data are requested during the ordering process and signing up for the newsletter. These are the only personal data which are processed by us.

2. For what reason do we request your personal data?

Your personal data are requested in order to identify you and complete the ordering process. We record your data on the newsletter list when you sign up for our newsletter.

3. When do we request your personal data?

We record your data when you place an order or sign up for our newsletter. We do not record any data until then, thus you can browse our services anonymously.

4. Who has access to my personal data?

Your data are accessible for our colleagues who work on your case. They are aware that they are allowed to use personal data only for performing the given task, and they are bound by the confidentiality obligation after the completion of the task as well. In addition, our colleagues have extensive knowledge about the regulations related to privacy rights, and they are obliged to protect data and bound to observe confidentiality. In case any violation of these regulations occurs, they are aware of the criminal consequences.
Personal data are transferred to third parties only in cases regulated by the law.

5. What right does the user have concerning the protection of his/her personal rights?

Please kindly note your rights specified in the Data Protection Law, especially:
a, Right to information
Under the Data Protection Law you are entitled to request information from us concerning your recorded personal data.
b, Right of objection
Under the Data Protection Law you are entitled to delete/restrict the data that are not allowed and correct those which are incorrect. This request does not affect invoicing and accounting data.
c, Right of rectification, cancellation and restriction
Under the Data Protection Law you are entitled to restrict the use of your data for advertising, market research and public survey purposes.

6. How do we ensure the compliance with the Data Protection Law and other relevant regulations?

We assure you that we take all necessary technical and organizational measures to protect personal information as required by the provisions of the Data Protection Law.

7. Contact

If you have any questions regarding the data protection policy of Motel Next, please do not hesitate to contact our colleagues by calling +36 30 768 0495 , who are at your disposal in case of any suggestions or complaints.

Motel Next